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Attacks, hostility, or inappropriate conduct/content of any kind may result in a ban (temporary or permanent) at the Mods’ discretion.Ĥ No "How do I become a professor?": Go to the website of the school you want to teach at. Disagree, challenge, vent, express frustration, but don’t cross that line. For that matter, attacks IN GENERAL are not tolerated. Any posts of this type will most likely to be removed without question, explanation, or hesitation.ģ No Incivility: No personal attacks, racism, or any other diatribes against students, or each other, that cross the line of civility. For Faculty-Student Discussions, we suggest one of the following subreddits: r/AskProfessors, r/AskAcademia, r/gradschool, r/AskStudents_Public, etc.Ģ Don't Be Inappropriate: No weird sexual fantasy stuff, no confessions of crushes, no questions about dating or anything of that nature.


While some student posts or comments may sneak by, and Mods may allow a richly upvoted post or comment that has spawned useful discussion to remain, that is the exception, NOT the rule. It has erstwhile been described as “kind of a 'teacher's lounge' for college professors.” This community is not for non-professors to ask questions of professors or about The Life™ it is for professors to ask each other questions.Īs such, we ask all posters to abide by the following rules:ġ No student posts/comments: This sub is a place for those teaching at the college level to discuss and share. This community is a place for professors to BS with each other, share professional concerns, get advice and encouragement, vent (oh yes, especially that), and share memes.

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While students may lurk and occasionally comment, they should identify themselves as students, and comments are subject to removal at mods’ discretion. Whether you are tenured, tenure-stream, a lecturer, adjunct faculty, or grad TA, if you are instructional faculty or work with college students in a similar capacity, this forum is for you to talk with colleagues.

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This sub is BY professors FOR professors.

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